Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

September 21 and 22

Day of the rail highlight tour

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July I Reference 41


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Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

The mobile person

Experience and theme station now also in its

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Photo: ingenhoven associates / HGEsch

Illustrated book

Facets 21 3rd edition

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InfoTurmStuttgart: Our Meeting Point Future 

Our InfoTurmStuttgart brand - "ITS" for short - provides information about the background, offers surprising insights and connects interested parties around the Stuttgart-Ulm rail project. And beyond. To this end, we invite everyone to form their own picture: in the interactive exhibition in the InfoTurmStuttgart, during the exciting construction site tours or our events and campaigns on site as well as in the digital world!

In all our offerings, we see ourselves as a meeting point for the future of one of Europe's most spectacular construction projects. Together we are committed to knowledge transfer, exchange and future opportunities.

Step by step towards the future

Much more than just a train station: as one of the largest infrastructure projects in Europe, the Stuttgart-Ulm rail project comprises the two sub-projects Stuttgart 21 and the Wendlingen-Ulm high-speed line. Find out about the current state of affairs and take a look at the chronology.

June 03, 2023
Deutsche Bahn is concreting the last of the 28 chalice-shaped columns at Stuttgart Central Station. The uniquely shaped concrete works of art form the roof of the new platform hall.


September 14, 2023
Deutsche Bahn is celebrating the final tunnel breakthrough of Stuttgart 21 in the new airport tunnel. The shell of all the tunnels in the project have been completed. In total, the miners have dug around 56 kilometers of tunnel.


October 17, 2023
The Committee for Urban Development and Technology of the City of Stuttgart approves the framework plan for Stuttgart Rosenstein. The planning is based on the winning design of the urban planning competition by the asp Architekten and Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur consortium.


December 05, 2023
Deutsche Bahn is closing the last gap in the new high-speed line between Stuttgart and Ulm. There is now a continuous track connection from Ulm main station to directly in front of the future through station in the state capital.



June 03, 2023
Deutsche Bahn is concreting the last of the 28 chalice-shaped columns at Stuttgart Central Station. The uniquely shaped concrete works of art form the roof of the new platform hall.


September 14, 2023
Deutsche Bahn is celebrating the final tunnel breakthrough of Stuttgart 21 in the new airport tunnel. The shell of all the tunnels in the project have been completed. In total, the miners have dug around 56 kilometers of tunnel.


October 17, 2023
The Committee for Urban Development and Technology of the City of Stuttgart approves the framework plan for Stuttgart Rosenstein. The planning is based on the winning design of the urban planning competition by the asp Architekten and Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur consortium.


December 05, 2023
Deutsche Bahn is closing the last gap in the new high-speed line between Stuttgart and Ulm. There is now a continuous track connection from Ulm main station to directly in front of the future through station in the state capital.

All milestones


The view behind the construction fence #its #itsproject #stuttgart


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